Introducing CLE: An Interactive Web-Based Combinatorial Library Enumerator

MOE’s new Combinatorial Library Enumerator application is designed to help chemists select suitable reagents from available commercial or in-house libraries for use in reactions to explore potential or respond to already identified structure-activity and structure-property relationships, thereby finding new optimised compounds and potential synthetic routes to them. Based in a web browser, the application allows the user to select from a library of existing reactions or to sketch, optimize, “debug” and save their own using a streamlined, interactive interface. Sources of reagents may be entered and interactively filtered by chemistry or by a range of other properties. Simple or multicomponent reactions can be handled, and streamlined lists of identified reagents exported for purchase. The webinar illustrates these capabilities by looking for potential Poly (ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) inhibitors - PARG is implicated in single-strand DNA repair and cell survival and so inhibition of PARG may lead to cancer therapies that aim to stop rapid proliferation of cancer cells.

Airdate: November 30, 2022

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